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Home Faculties
Shillong Polytechnic Faculties

S SutingSr Lecturer

F JahrinHOD

F RamsiejHOD

N MajawLecturer

K KharkongorLecturer

R DkharSr Instructor

A KurbahSr Instructor

L MarbaniangLecturer

I MawphlangLecturer

N RodshongSG Lecturer

M SinghSr Instructor

R LyngdohSr Instructor

S SinhaHOD

F MarbohLecturer

R MarakSr Lecturer

D ModakSG Lecturer

W WarjriPrincipal

H SyngkonLecturer

T LyngdohSG Lecturer

E LangstiehLecturer

D SyiemLecturer

B NongrangLecturer

R LyngwaLecturer

P DkharLecturer

D PhanwarLecturer

M PyngropeHOD

M FanconLecturer

N SyiemliehSr Lecturer

C LaminLecturer

E MarakSr Instructor


A SangmaLecturer

A RapsangSr Instructor

S DkharSr Lecturer

R NongkhlawSr Lecturer

S BlahSr Lecturer

E MarbaniangTCPO

R MarbaniangDemonstrator

J MawlongLecturer

W DkharInstructor

S MawphlangSr Instructor

F RamsiejHOD

S KyntaDemonstrator

F ShatiForeman

S RamsdamLecturer

V NongkhlawInstructor

A WarInstructor

N SyiemliehSr Instructor

M DharInstructor